
Grades 4-8: STEM Discovery Saturdays

Address: 6353 Corte Del Abeto Suite B100, Carlsbad, CA 92011

Saturdays 12noon – 2pmm. Students participate in fun hands-on science labs. Every day students are led through a 1 hour long Science lesson by real scientists. New lessons every week. After students participate in a 1 hour makers space where they get the freedom to build create or explore topics that interest them most. 

11:45-12:00pm: Drop Off/ Check in

12noon-1:00pm: Teacher led STEM Lab

1:00pm-2:00pm: Open Makers Lab

2:00pm-2:15pm: Pick Up

April Schedule: Saturdays Only

April 6th :  12noon-2pm 

April 13th : 12noon-2pm 

April 20th: 12noon-2pm 

April 27th: 12noon-2pm


Scholarships provided by your community: Interested? apply HERE!

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